Core Projects



A Java library that parses, interprets and executes cron expressions. Comes with it's own swing based GUI for building cron expressions



A one file php cron library that can parse and interpret cron expressions. It's a port of ZenJCL



ZenJSCL is an interface for building cron expressions within the browser. It's currently very experiential and not provided as a library - but at some point it will be.

Forked/Mod Projects



A Fork of the Event-to-syslog project this is a small little program that runs as a windows service which forwards eventlog messages to a syslog server.

Activity Log

First guide written, it's a basic one on setting up Auth between linux servers using public/private keys. But it serves somewhat as a template for future guides.
Created a repository for evtsys and uploaded what i have been using for some time. Will be putting together a guide on setting up a syslog-ng server with a mysql database to achieve centralised monitoring. Then a follow on guide on how to integrate this with Zabbix.
I've finally uploaded the PHP Cron library, it hasn't been throughly tested yet but it seems to work for the most part.