Setting up Public/Private Keys Between Servers

This guide will help you setup Public/Private keys between two Linux servers for SSH authentication.

This will allow you to connect (SSH) from one server to the other without manually authenticating. This is important for setting up things like backups via rsync.

This guide will setup authentication in one direction - from System A to System B. In many cases this is all you will want - but if you want Authentication in both directions simply follow this guide twice, the second time reversing the systems.


  • Two Linux Servers
  • Basic Linux Skills

Guide Options

  • Platform :

Step 1 - Create public and private keys

Log in to System A as unpriv_userA and check that if you already have a public/private key pair: stat ~/.ssh/id_rsa. If this returns stat: cannot stat ... : No such file or directory you will need to create a public private key pair.

If the stat returns data about the file continue with step 2.

Create public/private key pair

System A -
To create the key pair enter ssh-keygen -t rsa ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
You will be prompted for a path to save the key - this should default to /home/unpriv_userA/.ssh/id_rsa press Enter Enter file in which to save the key (/home/unpriv_userA/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter
You will be prompted for a passphrase - for our purposes we don't want one. press Enter Enter Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):Enter Enter same passphrase again:Enter
You should see something similar to this The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | | | | | E . . | | o . o | | . + S o | | . + = * = | | . o o B = + | | = . = . | | . o o | +-----------------+

Step 2 - Transfer Public Key

Still on System A transfer the public key to system B.

System A -
To transfer the key enter scp ~/.ssh/ scp ~/.ssh/
You will be prompted for the password, enter it and press Enter unpriv_userB@'s password:password Enter
The key should be transferred 100% 397 0.4KB/s 00:00

Step 3 - Add public key to authorized_keys

Log in to System B as unpriv_userB and append the transferred key to the end of the authorized_keys file.

System B -
Make sure the .ssh folder exists for this user mkdir -m 700 -p ~/.ssh mkdir -m 700 -p ~/.ssh
To Append the key type cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Clean up with rm ~/ rm ~/

Step 4 - Test

Back on System A as unpriv_userA you should now be able to connect to System B as unpriv_userB. You can test this by simply connecting with SSH.

System A -
To test type ssh unpriv_userB@ ssh unpriv_userB@
If successful you will not be prompted for a password and you will see the bash prompt of system B

Step 5 - Automated Process

Depending on how many servers you need to setup key authentication it may be sensible to create a script, the following script is not completely silent but should speed up the process.

Copy the below script into a file (vi ~/, make it executable with chmod +x ~/ and execute it ~/
cd ~ Move to the user home directory.
read -p "Enter server address :" TEMP_SERVER Prompt the user for the target server.
read -p "Enter server user :" TEMP_SERVER_USER Prompt the user for the username on the remote server.
stat ~/.ssh/id_rsa || ssh-keygen -t rsa Create a rsa key if one doesn't already exist
ssh $TEMP_SERVER_USER@$TEMP_SERVER mkdir -m 700 -p .ssh Make sure the .ssh folder exists on the target system
cat .ssh/ | ssh $TEMP_SERVER_USER@$TEMP_SERVER 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys' Transfer the key and append it to the authorized_keys file
Guide info
  • Author: Nick R.
  • Updated: 2015-05-04
  • Guide Length: ~3 minutes
  • Best practice suggests you shouldn't be doing this as root
Guide Variables

This guide will uses the following information for illustration purposes. You can updated it here if you wish to see the guide with the information relevant to your own system.

System A

System B

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Before using any information provided in any of our guides you should understand what it is you are actually doing - don't just blindly copy and paste things into the command line. This is generally good advice for using any information found on the Internet.

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This site does not store any variables that you might enter into the guide (the substitution is performed via javascript in the browser). Regardless we do not suggest you post any sensitive information. Password fields have been deliberately disabled.